Complaints Policy

Patient Complaints Procedure: A Copy of This Form is Given to Each Complainant

  1. The designated Complaints Officer at the Practice is Fernando Bristot.
  2. If you wish to lodge a complaint, Fernando Bristot will be informed and will deal with the matter. If the complaint is made in person, you will be taken into a private area and time given to hear the comment or complaint in full.
  3. If you are acting on behalf of a patient who wishes to make a complaint about the practice, written consent must be provided by the patient on whose behalf the complaint is being lodged.
  4. If the complaint is made in writing, the complaint will be recorded as such and you will be invited to lodge an official complaint, laying out in detail the circumstances of the complaint. This will allow us to deal with the complaint in a recorded and structured manner.
  5. Fernando Bristot will record the relevant information on a complaint form. The matter will be fully investigated and a report or an acknowledgment will be supplied to you within two working days.
  6. You will be informed in writing of the stages of the investigation and any action taken.
  7. A full response will be made within 20 working days of receipt of the complaint, or where the investigation is still in progress, you will be sent a letter explaining the reason for the delay and a full response will be made within five days of a conclusion being reached.
  8. Depending on the nature of the complaint, we will endeavour to resolve the complaint to your satisfaction.
  9. You will be supported in your access to this procedure.
  10. You having made a complaint will not detract from the standard of care and treatment offered to you in any way.

Further Contact

If for any reason you remain unhappy with the way the complaint has been handled, you can contact the Dental Complaints Service (a department of the GDC) for further help and support. Their contact details are:

Dental Complaints Service
The Landsdowne Building
2 Lansdowne Road, Croydon CR9 2ER

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 08456 120 540